Past What's New
Special Announcements
- PERN is welcoming new Scientific Committee members. Many thanks to Kathleen Hermans, Kaderi Bukari, Khandaker Jafor Ahmed, Robbin van Duijne, Jamon Van Den Hoek and Lena Reimann for accepting the invitation. We also would like to express our gratitude to outgoing SC members Kathryn Grace (departing chair), Roberto A. Abeldaño, Bryan Jones, Samir K.C., Cesar A. Marques, Karen McNamara, William Pan, and Sabine Henry for supporting PERN.
- PERN website is migrating. The PERN website is currently running on an old version of Drupl. In order to upgrade to the latest version of Drupl, the whole website needs to be rebuilt. As part of this rebuild, some of the pages will be simplified, others will be merged, and there will be some changes in the membership sign up process. We will keep you informed as the transition is taking place. Thank you in advance for your patience.
- The eLibrary is discontinued. When we started the eLibrary in 2001, the Population-Environment-Consumption field of study was still fairly new and hence not a lot of literature were readily available. The eLibrary was created to help PEC researchers to find literature resources. Now, population-environment literature has multiplied exponentially, it can be found in many journals, and Google Scholar and other tools have made it infinitely easier to find literature in our field. This, combined with lack of ability to keep up with all the literature and budget and staff concerns, led us to the difficult decision of discontinuing the eLibrary. Its contents will be archived and made available in the PERN website as static PDF pages. We continue to be interested in material that is not available elsewhere, such as compiling syllabi, and those will be made available through a new Resources page. Members are welcome to contribute.
IIASA Voices Webinar, 29 January 2024, 2:30-3:30pm CET
Migration is a global phenomenon that has received widespread attention in recent public discourses. While the topic is often presented in simplistic ways, it is characterized by high levels of complexity: a wide range of interlinked factors influence who migrates, under which conditions, when, and where to. New emerging challenges, including the threats of climate change, geopolitical instability, and conflict, have major implications for human mobility in often unpredictable ways. To comprehensively understand migration and its multiple drivers in different contexts, rigorous evidence is needed. This IIASA Voices webinar presents novel IIASA research using innovative data and analytical methods to decipher the interlinked drivers shaping migration processes worldwide. Raya Muttarak, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, and Gregor Zens, with moderator Roman Hoffmann, will share their research and discuss policy strategies with a focus on the links between climate and migration, the role of local resource contexts in shaping migration patterns, and conflict driven displacement.
For more information and registration, see
Workshop invitation - Beyond Panic. The Others of the Climate Crisis, 13 February, Online
The workshop will be held online on 13 February 2024, at 3-6pm (Rome time). The event will be divided into a first hour of a workshop to deconstruct imaginaries and narratives on climate change-induced mobilities, held by Elena Giacomelli and Stefania Peca (University of Bologna), and a second part of the seminar with Andrew Baldwin (Durham University) and Mimi Sheller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute).
For those who wish to participate, please complete this registration form:
Organizers ask participants to create an environmental migration story through creative writing or, if they prefer, through videos, texts and pictures to upload in the form. This text or audio-video materials are going to be anonymized and used during the workshop to unveil the complex narratives surrounding climate change-induced mobilities and to narrow Andrew Baldwin and Mimi Sheller’s talks on participants’ perceptions. Please upload the story before the 28th of January 2024. On that date, participants will be sent the ZOOM link for the event.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact
Elena Giacomelli: [email protected] or Stefania Peca: [email protected]
IUSSP Webinar: Innovations in data infrastructure for the longitudinal study of international migration, 7 March 2024
This webinar will spotlight an emerging data infrastructure that offers a distinct chance to initiate a transformation in how we approach the study of migration, shifting from viewing it as the result of a one-off event to understanding it as a lifelong trajectory that spans across countries.
The webinar will address the imperative of investigating international migration trajectories alongside accomplished migration researchers who have played pivotal roles in gathering, assembling, or utilizing innovative migration datasets with longitudinal elements. These datasets encompass cross-national administrative records, digital traces, and survey data. The panelists will share insights from their experiences in collecting and harnessing these pioneering datasets, offering recommendations for future data collection endeavours that support the examination of migration trajectories and the analysis of connections between
various forms of population movement overtime.
Webinar structure: The webinar will include a brief introduction by Sergi Vidal on the importance of longitudinal data to study international migrations, followed by a panel discussion with four speakers - Aliakbar Akbaritabar, Nikola Sander, Rosa Weber, Marcela Cerruti - facilitated by Claudia Brunori, and by a Q&A session with the audience.
Thursday, 7 March 2024, 14:00-15:30 Universal Time
6:00 Los Angeles | 9:00 New York | 11:00 Buenos Aires | 15:00 Paris | 19:30 New Delhi | 22:00 Shanghai
Register in advance here!
Call for Participant Applications - Climate, Aging, and Health in Rural America: An Interdisciplinary Mini-Conference & Workshop, 11-12 April, 2024, CU Population Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
Climate change is influencing human health and is particularly challenging for older adults. In terms of these climate-health connections, rural America is characterized by distinct vulnerabilities, including a relatively older population and far more challenging access to health care and other necessary services. At the same time, extreme environmental events – hurricanes, floods, tornadoes – are rapidly increasing in frequency and severity with projections of further intensification. Amid climate-related health impacts, many rural communities continue to age.
The complex connections between Aging-Climate-Health in rural America requires new and innovative research attention. This workshop brings together researchers in these topical areas with the objectives of reviewing current research, identifying knowledge gaps, and building collaborations. Importantly, there are few scholars already investigating this three-way intersection – we seek participation from aging, health, and/or rural researchers with interest in expanding their portfolio to climate-related questions.
During this 2-day conference, Day 1 will open with keynote speakers reviewing innovations, challenges, and needs in rural America with an emphasis on patterns of aging, climate-related stressors, and health. Following, research panels, flash talks, and a poster reception will provide important empirical examples. Time will also be offered for brainstorming within topically focused working groups aimed to build collaborations, discuss broad research agenda, explore dissemination, and/or work toward high-impact scientific publications and proposals. There will also be a ½ day remote, follow-up meeting several weeks
after the conference to reconnect, discuss progress, and share opportunities. Brief applications are required to ensure adequate space and to identify key thematic areas for working groups.
Some funds are available to support travel expenses. In your application, please include your CV and 1-page on your interest in the mini-conference including its relation to your research agenda or interests. If interested in presenting your research, please also include an extended abstract (no more than 1 page). Also please note if funding is required. Participants and presenters will be selected based on research alignment with conference objectives and quality of abstract. Attention will also be paid to achieving diversity of representation by discipline, geography, career stage, and socio-demographics.
Submit materials by 31 January 2024.
For any questions, contact [email protected]
Send all application to: [email protected]
Call for papers - ECMN Second Annual Conference, Environmental Changes and Migration: Bridging Disciplines for a New Research Agenda, 9 - 12 July 2024, Liège, Belgium
This conference seeks to gather researchers from all disciplines, all continents and all career stages around topics pertaining to the interactions between environmental changes and migration. This conference aims to be the largest and most inclusive conference ever addressing this topic. It will also serve as a bridge with policy-makers and other research networks, so that the whole research and policy community on climate (im)mobilities is gathered at this event, which will also feature mentoring sessions and social networking activities. Twelve years after the publication of the Foresight report, where do we stand as a research community? What have been the progress, the new avenues for research, and what are the remaining blindspots?
Organizers invite submissions of from all relevant disciplines and fields on the variety of themes related to the topic (diverse mobilities and immobilities in the context of environmental and climate change; diversity of environmental and climatic events and change processes; the role of socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political processes for (im)mobilities; the range of methodological approaches and advancements; relevant policy processes, their implications and ways to question how science policy divide can be bridged).
The event will thus consist of a variety of formats:
- Keynote interventions on the state of the art of diverse research communities
- Contributions from participants on their research and field of action
- Interactive workshops on mapping the research landscape
- Social events for networking and community-building
Registration and abstract (max. 250 words) deadline by 9 February 2024.
Participation without contribution: Participants without their own contribution are also highly welcome.
Please register until 15 May 2024. Fees: 150 euros
Link for Registration and Submission
Contact Information: [email protected]
Call for papers: IUSSP’s 30th International Population Conference, 13-18 July 2025, Brisbane Convention and Exhibit Centre, Australia
The IUSSP International Population Conference is the world’s largest international scientific conference on population issues. First organized in 1927 and held every four years since 1959, the conference brings together scientists, policymakers and practitioners from around the globe to present and discuss the latest research on contemporary population and development issues. At the invitation of the Australian Population Association, the 30th International Population Conference (IPC2025) will take place in Brisbane, Australia at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) from 13 to 18 July 2025. IPC 2025 will be an in-person conference.
The Conference is open to all members of the population community and those interested in population matters working in research, teaching, governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as the private sector including publishing companies and the media. All researchers and population specialists are warmly invited to submit paper or poster proposals and to plan on attending this event. Presentations in oral and poster sessions will be selected through a peer-review submission process.
Website opens for submission of paper and poster abstracts: 1 May 2024
Deadline for submission of paper and poster abstracts: 15 September 2024
For more information, see
Call for papers: Land Cover and Land Use Change in Conflicted Societies
The submission deadline is extended for the special issue "Land Cover and Land Use Change in #ConflictedSocieties" in Science of Remote Sensing until 31 May 2024.
Political instability due to drastic shocks such as armed conflicts is prevalent in the world and can strongly affect society and the environment. Monitoring land cover and land use change (LCLUC) amid the conflicts is vital for providing humanitarian aid for food security and post-conflict planning. The recent proliferation of very high resolution, high frequency, and multi-modal remote sensing data sets from public and private sectors has opened new opportunities in land change monitoring in the conflicted area, where remote sensing is often the only means for information collection.
This special issue calls for the latest research on understanding the impacts of LCLUC caused by armed conflicts and political instability. Editors welcome papers that focus on changes in agriculture, forest, grassland, and urban environments, as well as population displacement in the regions that experienced armed conflicts and political instability. Papers on conflict-induced LCLUC with a direct or indirect link to climate change are also welcome.
For more information, see
Pathways Europe 2024: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference, 13-16 October 2024, Palacio de Congresos de Córdoba, Spain
This year’s conference theme is “Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting,” is organized by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies - Spanish Research Council (IESA-CSIC), the University of Córdoba, and the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. The conference will be held at Palacio de Congresos de Córdoba, in Córdoba, Spain, from 13-16 October 2024
The concept of “wild” often refers to elements of nature that remain untamed and unaltered by human intervention. Some argue that in today’s interconnected world, true wild, untouched by human influence, is exceedingly rare or perhaps even nonexistent. In this human-dominated era, in the Anthropocene, new challenges and new debates arise in what is wild as well as what is natural.
For additional information about the theme, see
Interested in Submitting a Proposal? For those who are ready to submit their individual abstract or organized session proposal, organizers are currently accepting submissions. The main conference theme is "Revisiting What Is Wild for Coexisting" and will feature various topics of interest, which you can find online.
Organized session deadline: 12 March 2024
Individual abstract deadline: 12 April 2024
For information on how to submit a proposal, see
Pitt Public Health Undergraduate Scholars Program - Accepting Applications, School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
The Public Health Undergraduate Scholars Program (PHUSP) is an eight-week residential program designed to encourage college students to consider careers in public health. The program focuses on health equity, environmental justice, climate and health, and maternal and child health. It will be held at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Public Health from June 10 to August 2, 2024.
PHUSP offers internship placements, classroom instruction, group activities and mentorship. Scholars will also participate in a 2.5-day research poster showcase at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Scholars will receive a $3,200 stipend, round-trip transportation to Pittsburgh and financial support for meals. The cost of on-campus housing and travel to Atlanta for the research showcase is covered by PHUSP.
Applications are currently being accepted and are due by 31 January 2024. PHUSP is funded by the CDC through the John R. Lewis Undergraduate Public Health Scholars Program.
Email [email protected] with any questions.
Pathways Europe 202: Scholarships Open
Scholarships are now open for the Pathways Europe 2024: Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Conference, which will be held 13-16 October 2024 in Córdoba, Spain. The general scholarship is open to anyone who:
- demonstrates financial need
- demonstrates how Pathways Europe 2024 will help them develop their career
- demonstrates the ability to cover the remainder of their costs not covered by the scholarship
- (lodging, travel, incidentals, etc.)
In addition to these scholarship opportunities, we are offering a registration discount to all students, including graduate-level students.
All applicants must apply by 13 May 2024. Scholarship awards will be announced on May 25, 2024.
More information on scholarship eligibility and applications can be found on our website, see
Postdoctoral Fellow in Water, Poverty, and Sustainability, Pulte Institute for Global Development, Notre Dame, IN, USA
The Pulte Institute for Global Development, an integral part of the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame, combines the existing world-class teaching and research faculty of Notre Dame with a dedicated staff of experienced international development professionals, administrators, and researchers in order to address global poverty and inequality through policy, practice, and partnership.
The Pulte Institute is seeking a highly motivated and skilled Postdoctoral Fellow to contribute to new research on water, poverty, and sustainability in the Global South. This is a full-time position available with an initial appointment of one-year, with a possible extension for up to three years on the basis of satisfactory performance and availability of funding. The position will be supervised by Professor Ellis Adjei Adams. Review of applications will start on January 15, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. Expected start date during the spring semester of 2024.
The fellow will work as part of an interdisciplinary team of faculty, staff, other postdoctoral fellows, and students in the Pulte Institute for Global Development in the Keough School for Global Affairs. The team works on a new research project supported by the Notre Dame Poverty Initiative. This position is part of a planned cohort of at least three postdoctoral fellows working on environment-poverty-related issues.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to multiple ongoing research initiatives to identify promising interventions at the interface of water, poverty reduction, and sustainability. The projects they will contribute to include Water, Mining, and Human Rights; Resource (food, energy, water) Insecurity and Urban Poverty; Resources, Poverty, and Conflicts; and Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH), Poverty, and Health. The fellowship will involve collection and analyses of qualitative and survey data from multiple countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The successful candidate is also expected to advance their own research agenda within the broad thematic areas of water, poverty, and sustainability and contribute to collaborative work within the Pamoja ND-Africa Initiative space at Notre Dame.
Interested applicants should submit the following to María Chacón at [email protected]:
- Resume / Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of application (2 pages max) describing research interests and fit
- A recent publication or dissertation chapter.
- Names and contact information of 2-3 references
Job Closing Date: 31 January 2024
Additional information about this position is available at
Senior Research Fellow: Spatiotemporal Population, Demographic, & Environmental Modeler, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
The Department of Geographic & Environmental Sciences at the University of Louisville is seeking to recruit a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow for a newly funded NASA project, “Synthesis Study of Land Cover, Land Use, and Demographic Change under Multi-Dimensional Developments and Climate Pressures in Southeast Asia,” to supplement expertise in earth-observation processing, sociodemographic modeling and cloud computing integration and synthesize understanding of the dynamics and interactions of the complex changes in the biophysical and socioeconomic systems along the rural-urban continuum. The work will directly inform scientific support to the strategic development of proactive policies that are regionally relevant and effective in Southeast Asia. The position would be based in the Department of Geographic & Environmental Sciences but will involve substantial collaboration and engagement with partner institutions on the project. Remote, off-campus applicants may be considered if exceptionally qualified.
The position requires expertise in socio-ecological modeling and synthesis to integrate various Earth Observation layers with high resolution mapping of population distributions and demographics based on census, household survey and high-resolution covariate data layers. The work will involve collaborations with US-based partners at CUNY, NASA JPL, Columbia, and Western Michigan University, as well as international institutions to provide a consistent and responsible point-of-contact for across partners. By joining the vibrant and well-connected interdisciplinary team the candidate will have opportunities to lead career-changing, high-impact publications for the project, as well as conduct independent research that aligns with their own interests and background.
The project work to be undertaken by the candidate will involve:
- Modification and documentation of existing prototypes for statistical and programming interfaces for data processing and final product generation
- Contributing to the design of population synthesis mapping methods with the integration of novel urban and built-area datasets and urban growth models along SE Asian rural urban continuums
- Together with established colleagues at collaborating institutions be a primary facilitator for technical-and production-related exchanges between U.S., Asian, and European collaborators and stakeholders. Other job responsibilities will include extended travel to domestic partners and Southeast Asia for meetings and project coordination.
Given these tasks, strong experience in spatial statistical analysis, computer programming, social-ecological systems modeling, and/or demography is therefore a significant advantage. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a statistical/computational/quantitative discipline, or relevant industry experience. The current tools used by the project team include R, Python, Stan and its implementations, the Google Earth Engine API and ESRI platforms and applicants with experience in these environments will be preferred. The project work will be highly interdisciplinary and as such there is some flexibility to accommodate expertise from a range of cognate disciplinary backgrounds (e.g. geography, demography, statistics, computer science, ecology, epidemiology etc). Ability and willingness to travel overseas is also necessary.
The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Forrest Stevens and Dr. Andrea Gaughan at the University of Louisville trained in interdisciplinary, socio-environmental system thinking, and have the opportunity for continuing to develop independent research ideas. The position starting date is January 15, 2024 for a period of 1.75 years and will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Informal enquiries may be made to either Dr. Forrest Stevens ([email protected]) or Dr. Gaughan ([email protected]) or Applications must be made online at for Job ID 33110. Application materials must be uploaded in a single document.
Tenured researchers, Demography and associated disciplines, French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), Aubervilliers, France
The French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) is a public research organization. Its mission is to conduct research on all aspects of populations, to provide research training, and to report on the findings of its research to public authorities and the wider society. The research conducted at INED focuses on population questions, whether they relate to contemporary or historical issues. A wide variety of disciplinary approaches are employed in this research, drawing on the fields of demography, sociology, economics, history, geography, medicine, epidemiology, statistics, anthropology, etc.
INED will be hiring two tenured researchers in 2024.
Positions of Tenured Research Scientist (Chargé∙e de recherche de classe normale)
Qualification required: Doctorate/PhD
Location: INED, Campus Condorcet, 9 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers, France
No age, gender or nationality restrictions
Competition opening date: 5 January 2024
Application submission deadline: 6 February 2024
Job description: the successful applicants will have tenured researcher status. They will develop their research within the context of the unit or units with which they are affiliated. They will be involved in promoting and leading research. They will also support research training through research.
Qualifications: applicants must have a doctorate in a subject relevant to population studies (demography, sociology, economics, history, geography, medicine, epidemiology, statistics, anthropology, etc.) as well as an excellent knowledge of quantitative methods applied to social sciences.
Desired experience: a broad range of experience (work with different research laboratories, work abroad, teaching, involvement in survey design, involvement in the organization of a scientific event, etc.) and a willingness to embrace multi-disciplinary and multi-method approaches (including using qualitative methods) would be desirable.
For any questions on the administrative part of the application, candidates can contact the researcher competitions office: [email protected] , tel.: +33 (0)1 56 06 20 72
PhD in Population Sciences “Interrelated perspectives on population issues”, Second edition, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Four schools at the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território and Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – have come together to offer a unique PhD programme on Population Sciences. After a successful first edition in 2023/24, applications are now open for the second edition - this first applications' period will close on the 29th of February.
A key feature of this programme is its interdisciplinary character, using mainly quantitative methods to study population issues. The programme recognizes that studying population and the causes and consequences of demographic events calls upon and contributes to diverse scientific fields.
The PhD in Population Sciences is a 4-year PhD programme designed for committed students and professionals from all backgrounds. Coming from a background in the Social Sciences, Health Sciences or Statistics, for example, you will receive solid training in demography and benefit from the international research environment. The programme, which is taught in English, will prepare you for top-level research in academic and non-academic environments.
The doctoral programme is based at ULisboa but connected to the world through partnerships with leading institutions.
Deadline for 'first applications’: 29 February 2024
On January 29th, there will be an online Q&A session at 14:00 (Lisbon time). If you are interested in the PhD in Population Sciences at ULisboa and would like to find out more about it, register for free at the PhD's website to receive the link.