Review of underlying causes of tropical deforestation.

This paper reviews results from our modelling work on the underlying causes of tropical deforestation in three continents. This work has been based on the FAO Foris database, giving rise to more than 500 subnational observations. The roles of validity and reliability of empirical data, and alternative dependent variables in modelling work are discussed. As a major finding we point out the fact that deforestation rate and forest cover as dependent variables give compatible results on the statistical significance of the effects of such underlying causes of deforestation as population pressure-income, wet ecological zone as a proxy for inaccessibility, and forest resources data reliability. Furthermore, our results point to an inverted U-shape relation between deforestation and income level.

Author Name(s): 
Palo, M.; Lehto, E.; Uusivuori, J.

Palo, M., Lehto, E. and Uusivuori, J. 1997. Review of underlying causes of tropical deforestation. XI World Forestry Congress, Antalya, Turkey, October 13-22, 1997.

Publication type: 
Conference and Working Papers
Conference Paper
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 
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