Call for Papers, International Conference on Population Geographies 2015: The Spatial Dimensions of Population

Conference date(s)
30 June 2015 to 03 July 2015

The call for papers the 8th International Conference on Population Geographies is now open. The Conference will be held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia from 30 June to 3 July 2015. The ICPG is one of the foremost international gatherings of population geographers and spatial demographers. The Conference provides a unique opportunity for population scholars to engage with colleagues from around the world, share their research, explore innovative ideas and new developments, and contribute to the discipline. The meeting has a particular focus on the spatial dimension of population processes, dynamics and impacts. Reflecting this focus, the 2015 Conference theme is: The Spatial Dimensions of Population. Abstracts for papers and posters should be around 250 words and include the title, authors, affiliations, and contact email, and be sent to icpg2015 Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2015.The conference organizers welcome offers of papers on any aspect of population geography or spatial demography, as well as proposals to organize sessions.

The University of Queensland