Population, développement et environnement dans la métropole d’Accra : une étude en deux phases

The proposed research was designed to test the hypothesis that health levels in urban places are importantly influenced by the local neighbourhood environment, including the nature of the built environment (buildings and infrastructure), the socio-economic environment (including average levels of income and education as well as the availability and judicious use of resources), and the location of a neighbourhood within the broader urban environment (including its proximity to health clinics and hospitals). This is also tied to the kind of institutional arrangements that regulate resource allocation from the centre to the local level. The Accra Metropolitan Area (AMA), Accra, Ghana was selected for this study.

Author Name(s): 
Anarfi, J.K.

Anarfi, John K. "Population, développement et environnement dans la métropole d'Accra : une étude en deux phases.(Population, Development and Environment In Metropolitan Accra: A Two Phase Study)." in Programme International De Recherche Sur Les Interactions Entre La Population, Le Developpement Et Le Environnement (PRIPODE), Comite International De Cooperation Dans Les Recherches Nationales En Demographie (CICRED).

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
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