Assessing the determinants of poverty and vulnerability of smallholder farmers in a changing climate: the case of Morogoro region, Tanzania

Using data collected through a cross-sectional survey conducted between December 2009 and January 2010 covering 240 households in six villages of Morogoro region, Tanzania, the aim of this paper is (1) to analyse the micro-level drivers of poverty and vulnerability among smallholder farmers in a changing climate and (2) to improve the availability of micro-level empirical information on local perceptions on and adaptations to climate change, and other socio-economic drivers of poverty and vulnerability for site-specific and generic policy implications in similar settings.

Author Name(s): 
Mutabazi, KhamaldinD
 Sieber, Stefan
 Maeda, Claude
 Tscherning, Karen

Mutabazi, K., S. Sieber, C. Maeda and K. Tscherning. 2015. Assessing the determinants of poverty and vulnerability of smallholder farmers in a changing climate: the case of Morogoro region, Tanzania. Regional Environmental Change 15(7): 1243-1258.

Publication type: 
Journal Article
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 
Major Region: 