International Young Researchers’ Conference - The impacts and challenges of demographic change

Conference date(s)
22 September 2016 to 23 September 2016

The iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence (Individuals, Populations, Societies) and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) are organizing an International Young Researchers' Conference on 22 and 23 September at the FIAP Jean Monnet in Paris. It will bring together PhD students, post-doctoral students and young researchers around the topic of population.

The variability of demographic phenomena is a well-acknowledged fact: fertility, mortality and the morphology of migration have evolved at a different pace in different countries of the world, with varying effects on the population age structure. This international young researchers' conference aims to tackle the new issues raised by demographic transformations in the social environment, and to accompany these increasingly complex changes through demographic, sociological, anthropological, geographical, economic, epidemiological and historical analysis. This call for papers is constructed around three themes that are opened to all disciplinary and methodological approaches.

Theme 1: The morphology of demographic change.  The first theme will focus on demographic change over space and time. Changes in fertility, sexuality, nuptiality, migration or population ageing may have taken varied forms or, on the contrary, show greater convergence in a context of cultural, social and economic globalization. 

Theme 2: The social challenges of demographic change
The second theme concerns the social challenges associated with this demographic change, notably in terms of housing, employment, unemployment, education or social policies and financial support, for retirees in particular.

Theme 3: The environmental impacts of demographic change
Growing concern over climate change has revealed the potential impact of climate on population dynamics such as mortality, morbidity, migration (the term "climate refugees" is now being used), housing or health.

This conference is open to PhD students and PhD holders who defended their thesis in the last seven years. Young researchers are invited to submit papers and/or posters on one of the conference themes. Papers not selected for oral sessions may be considered for the poster sessions if the author requests so. Poster submissions are also welcome. All participants are invited to enter their papers for the "Young Author's Prize" organized by the editors of the journal Population in November 2016. The conference proceedings may also be published.

Submissions should be uploaded to the conference platform at The submission deadline is midnight UT on 15 March 2016.

The conference will take place in English. Authors should provide a short abstract (400 words max.) and a long abstract in English. The long abstract should be no longer than two pages and include the paper title, the authors' names, their institutional affiliations and their email addresses. The author should describe the main research question, the method used and the results obtained, and provide a short bibliography. He or she should also highlight the innovative aspects of the topic or the approach adopted. Authors may submit no more than one paper as lead author.

Registration is free of charge but compulsory, even for participants not presenting a paper or poster. Persons wishing to attend the conference can register from 15 May 2016 to 16 September 2016 via the dedicated platform:
