Shifting environmental concern in rural eastern Oregon: the role of demographic and place-based factors

Based on cross-sectional telephone survey data collected, the study assesses the degree to which demographic and place-based factors are associated with changing public opinions on climate change, wolves, renewable energy, and land development regulations in rural northeast Oregon.

Author Name(s): 
Boag, Angela E.
 Hamilton, Lawrence C.
 Hartter, Joel
 Stevens, Forrest R.
 Palace, Michael W.
 Ducey, Mark J.

Boag, A. E., L. C. Hamilton, J. Hartter, F. R. Stevens, M. W. Palace and M. J. Ducey. 2016. Shifting environmental concern in rural eastern Oregon: the role of demographic and place-based factors. Population and Environment 38(2): 207-216.

Publication type: 
Journal Article
Publication year: 
Major Region: 