Call for Proposals - Cities and Climate Change Science IPCC Conference

Conference date(s)
05 March 2018 to 07 March 2018

The Cities and Climate Change Science Conference: Fostering new scientific knowledge for cities based on science, practice and policy, aims to inspire the next frontier of research focused on the science of cities and climate change. The primary goal of the conference is to assess the state of academic and practice-based knowledge related to cities and climate change, and to establish a global research agenda based on the joint identification of key gaps by the academic, practitioner and urban policy-making communities. Registration is free and funding is available for participants from developing countries.  Proposals should be linked to one or more of the four conference themes:

  • Cities & climate change (Imperatives for action)
  • Urban emissions, impacts and vulnerabilities (Science and practice of cities)
  • Solutions for the transition to low carbon and climate resilient cities (Science and practice for cities)
  • Enabling transformative climate action in cities (advancing science and advancing cities)

In order to ensure vibrant input and discussions at this conference, Cities IPCC partners would like to encourage submissions from scientists, academics, urban practitioners and policy-making communities. For any questions email: info More information about the conference can be found at  Deadline: 16 October 2017.

Edmonton, Alberta