Call for Applications: CLISEL Training School on "Loss, Damage and Mobility in the context of Climate Change"

Application deadline
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Co-organized by KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) Environmental Humanities Laboratory (Sweden) World Trade Institute (WTI) University of Bern (Switzerland) Istituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo (CNR-ISSM) (Italy) Dipartimento di Architettura, Università Federico II (Italy).  The training will be 12-14 December 2018 in Naples, Italy.

The CLISEL Training School is primarily intended for early career researchers (master's students in their advanced thesis phase, PhD students and postdocs) for an interdisciplinary training school which will include perspectives from the broadly defined fields of environmental humanities, environmental history, political ecology, literary studies, critical legal studies among others. The training school will include both lecture format and group-work sessions (a more detailed description of the school is below). Travel scholarships are available for the training school.

Organized in conjunction with COP24 climate summit in Katowice, a key aspect of the training school is also to contribute to an online geo-archive currently in the making as part of H2020- funded CLISEL (Climate Security with Local Authorities) project. Geo-archive is an open-access tool containing historical cases of interactions between migration and environmental/climatic changes. It encompasses information on the description of the case, policy responses to migration and loss & damage, and reflections of this case in the literary/audio-visual productions. The tool is mainly designed for teaching and outreach purposes as well as for providing locally grounded examples for local authorities and climate/migration policy stakeholders. Each training school participant will be expected to contribute to this effort with a brief historical case study (1500 words) on loss & damage and/or climate-migration nexus. The training school will also feature special sessions on urban loss & damage as part of FORMAS (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development) project, Occupy Climate Change!

To apply for the autumn training school, please send the following by 30 October 2018 to cliseltrainingschool2018@

1. Max. 2-page CV 2. Max. 1-page motivation letter (please mention if you would like to request travel support) 3. 250-word abstract on a historical case study idea on climate change and migration you would like to elaborate for the geo-archive

The selected participants will be required to submit the final version of their case study entries (max. 1000 words long, including bibliography) by 15th November 2018. Further guidance on the format will be provided to selected participants.

For further information, please contact: armiero@ or ethemcan@
