Call for Abstracts: INQUIMUS 2019, 26–28 November 2019

Submission deadline
15 September 2019

Agenda for the INQUIMUS Workshop - Data, methods and tools for dynamic risk assessments: What are requirements, and how to tackle persisting challenges?

Understanding and reducing disaster risk are key priorities in international policy documents and agendas, and the need for improved knowledge and information on drivers, hotspots and dynamics of disaster risk has been repeatedly stressed by scientists, practitioners and policy makers. As a result we have witnessed a sharp increase in the number of risk assessments over the past decades aiming to inform the identification and planning of risk reduction and adaptation options. While the need for integrative, transdisciplinary approaches for understanding and assessing the inherent complexity and dynamic nature of risk (in all its dimensions of hazard, exposure and vulnerability) has been widely acknowledged, the development and application of methods and tools to better understand and assess that complexity has not kept pace yet. Today, the majority of risk assessments are still based on static (e.g. index-based) approaches and often do not represent the inherent complexities (e.g. feedbacks and coupling, inter-indicator relationships) and space-time dynamics of risk and its components adequately. Dynamic modelling approaches (e.g. agent-based models, Bayesian networks, system dynamics approaches, etc.) offer new opportunities not only for more dynamic risk assessments (e.g. human-environmental interaction, space-time dynamics), but also for simulating the potential effects of human behavior and risk reduction/adaptation options on risk patterns and trends.

The INQUIMUS workshop 2019 aims at:

Reviewing and discussing the state-of-the art (incl. data, methods and tools) regarding dynamic risk assessments, and the simulation of the effect of risk reduction and adaptation options

Identifying remaining challenges, and

Exploring opportunities for future research and transferring established approaches

Call for Abstracts

Participation is mainly by invitation. However, organizers would like to provide room for additional participants to share their insights and present their findings. Interested participants should send an abstract (max 400 words), discussing the following issues:

● Motivation for application and relevance to guiding questions listed on the previous page

● Methods for dynamic assessment/simulation of exposure, vulnerability or risk preferably applied by the applicant

● Achievements and challenges

Please submit your abstract to

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