Past Global Changes (PAGES)' 6th Open Science Meeting (OSM), Agadir, Morocco, 18-22 May 2021

Submission deadline
01 April 2020

The Scientific Program Committee (SPC) invites you to take an active part in organizing the scientific program of the conference. The OSM program will be comprised of plenary, parallel and poster sessions. The plenary sessions will host keynote talks intended to stimulate discussions on the role of past global change science by providing information about strategies for a sustainable world, on the engagement of stakeholders in active cutting-edge research, and on the added value of interdisciplinary approaches. The parallel and associated poster sessions will accommodate top-level ongoing research.

The SPC will prepare the program based upon your input, aiming for a fair balance between the topics. Please note that the SPC could merge sessions with similar topics (before abstract submission) or with a small number of abstracts (after abstract submission).

Scientists from African institutions are strongly encouraged to submit session proposals. Please inform your colleagues about this opportunity.

Scientists are invited to suggest sessions until 1 April 2020. Please send an email to pages@ (clickable link with correct subject line) and include a provisional title, potential conveners, and a brief description of the session.
