Migration and the slow-onset impacts of climate change: Taking stock and taking action

This chapter focuses on migration in the context of the slow-onset impacts of climate change, an area where policy and knowledge gaps remain. It presents some of the key challenges associated with understanding and taking action on slow-onset climate impacts and migration issues, and will explore how migration policy and practice can play a role in responding to some of the most pressing challenges.  (from Introduction)

Author Name(s): 
Mariam Traore Chazalnoë Alex Randall

Chazalnoël, M.T. and A. Randall, 2021. Migration and the slow-onset impacts of climate change: Taking stock  and  taking  action.  In:  World  Migration  Report  2022  (M.  McAuliffe  and  A.  Triandafyllidou,  eds.).  International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva. ISBN 978-92-9268-134-0 (PDF)

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 