Recently constructed hydropower dams were associated with reduced economic production, population, and greenness in nearby areas

The paper analyzed impacts of 631 hydropower dams (≥1-megawatt capacity) constructed since 2001 and commissioned before 2015 for their effects on economy, population, and environment in nearby areas and examined the results in five regions (i.e., Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America) and by different dam sizes.

Author Name(s): 
Peilei Fan, Myung Sik Cho, Zihan Lin , Zutao Ouyang, Jiaguo Qi, Jiquan Chen, and Emilio F. Moran

Fan, P., et al. 2022. Recently constructed hydropower dams were associated with reduced economic production, population, and greenness in nearby areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(8): e2108038119.

Publication type: 
Journal Article
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 