People and pixels. Linking remote sensing and social science

Book includes ten chapters and appendices, encompassing empirical studies from Brazil and Thailand on deforestation; conceptual and methodological issues in modeling, scale, unit of analysis and linking spatial and social data; a discussion of history of GIS/spatial analysis using remote sensing; and illustrations fo applications in health, famine earling warning and urban dynamics. Includes guide to resources and data for social science applications of spatial/GIS methods, and a glossary. Contributions are by Stanley Morain, B Entwistle (et al) Nang Rong project (see other citations this database), Charles Wood & David Skole, Emilio Moran and E Brondizio (UI project on Brazil, see other citations this database), Jacqueline Geoghegan et al ("socializing the pixel and pixelizing the social"), Thomas Sever (on Guatemala), David Cowen and John Jensen (urban), Charles Hutchinson (early warning), Paul Epstein (health), Robert Chen (resources) and Mark Patterson (Glossary). Book is derived from a workshop in 1996 organized by the NRC and funded/supported by NASA.

Author Name(s): 
Liverman, D.; Moran, E.; Rindfuss, R.; Stern, P.,(eds.).

Liverman, D., Moran, E., Rindfuss, R. and Stern, P.,(eds.). 1998. People and pixels. Linking remote sensing and social science. Washington DC: The National Academy Press.

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 