Urbanization and Environmental Quality: Insights from Ghana on sustainable policies.

The paper offers a policy-oriented discussion of the relationship between population, environment and economic development. Our particular focus is on the relationship between urbanization and environmental change. Their impact is often represented as strongly negative. We examine the relationship between nutrient levels in coastal lagoons, examining the degree to which these impacts are linked to population density in the watershed. We supplement this with information about environmental attitudes collected from a stratified, clustered random sample of households in six coastal districts of the Central Region. We conclude with some speculations about the implications for environmental change in the years after the Johannesburg Summit. (Authors' Abstract)

Author Name(s): 
White, M. J.; Awusabo-Asare, K.; Nixon, S.; Buckley, B.; Granger, S.; Andrzejewski, C.

White, M. J., K. Awusabo-Asare, et al. 2007. Urbanization and Environmental Quality: Insights from Ghana on sustainable policies. PRIPODE Workshop on Urban Population, Development and Environment Dynamics. Nairobi, Kenya, June 11-13, 2007.

Publication type: 
Conference and Working Papers
Conference Paper
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 
Major Region: 