Economy, Population and Urban Sprawl A Comparative Study of Urban Agglomerations of Bangalore and Hyderabad, India using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique.

In India, big cities and urban agglomerations have been the magnets that attract investment, which leads to development of industrial and service sector, employment generation, migration and population growth. Expanding industries like manufacturing, construction, trade and service of all kinds opens avenues of employment and has become the pull factor for the ever-increasing migration. The present study brings out the association between investment patterns, economic activities, migration, and land use changes in urban agglomerations of Bangalore and Hyderabad (1971- 2001), to bring out the population aspect and its effect on land use in spatial perspective using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. (Authors' Abstract)

Author Name(s): 
Iyer, N. K.; Kulkarni, S.; Raghavaswamy, V.

Iyer, N. K., S. Kulkarni, et al. 2007. Economy, Population and Urban Sprawl A Comparative Study of Urban Agglomerations of Bangalore and Hyderabad, India using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique. PRIPODE Workshop on Urban Population, Development and Environment Dynamics. Nairobi, Kenya, June 11-13, 2007.

Publication type: 
Conference and Working Papers
Conference Paper
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