Population, Health and Environment Program

"Humans and the environment are inextricably linked. Population size and age, fertility, mobility, settlement patterns, and resource availability and consumption all influence the impact we have on the environment. Solving the complex challenges we face today demands a better understanding of how these aspects of population impact the environment, how environmental change impacts our health and well-being, and what can be done to address these issues. PRB's Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) program aims to: Increase awareness among decisionmakers, professionals, and advocates about population, health, and environment challenges and integrated solutions; Build leadership and capacity to work on and communicate about population, health, and environment linkages; Develop regional networks for information sharing and collaboration; Strengthen journalists' reporting on population, health, and environment topics." (from website)


Population, Health and Environment Program. 2011. Population Reference Bureau (PRB), Washington, DC, USA.

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Institutions, Research Programs and Projects
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