Links and broken chains: evidence of human-caused changes in land cover in remotely sensed images.

In this paper, the authors hypothesized a hump-shaped relationship, land-cover conversion of the type visible in remotely sensed images and economic changes (and secondarily, human population growth. In general, the authors found that the area with the most rapid human population growth, was the area where land cover change was most evident.

Author Name(s): 
Boone, Randall B.; Lackett, Jill M.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Ojima, Dennis S.; Tucker Iii, Compton J.

Boone, R. B., J. M. Lackett, et al. 2007. Links and broken chains: evidence of human-caused changes in land cover in remotely sensed images. Environmental Science & Policy 10(2): 135-149.

Publication type: 
Journal Article
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 