Environment, population, and conflict: Suggesting a few steps forward.

On March 19, 2000, a group of scholars assembled at the University of California to examine the current state of environment, population and conflict research and to discuss the promising directions for future research. This paper includes discussion on the common themes and diverse perspectives on the nature of causal dynamics and the most appropriate methods for investigating environmental-social linkages. It is noted that consensus on key issues was not feasible and the contradictory claims advanced by different researchers dictate the need for additional research and methodological diversity in the field of the inquiry. A number of important, unifying themes emerged from the discussions. The paper seeks to identify points of convergence and highlights areas of continued dispute. It is hoped that this report will facilitate entry of new researchers into the field, clarify next steps for active scholars, and utilize findings by practitioners.


Environment, population, and conflict: Suggesting a few steps forward. Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Summer 2000 (6):99-103.

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Books and Reports
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