Population, environment and development: The concise report.

'the theme for the Commission on Population and Development at its thirty-fourth session in the year 2001 is 'Population, environment and development'... The report analyses recent information and policy perspectives on population, environment and development. The topics investigated in this report include: temporal trends in population, environment and development; Government views and policies concerning population, environment and development; population size and growth, environment, and development; migration, population change, and the rural environment; health, mortality, fertility and the environment; population, environment, and development in urban settings; and conclusions'(excerpt from abstract)

Author Name(s): 
UN Population Division DESA.

UN Population Division DESA. 2001. Population, environment and development: The concise report. ST/ESA/SER.A/202. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division . UN Publication.

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
Online Publication
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