Integration of Health, Population and Environment Programs in Madagascar: Midterm Progress Report

The central hypothesis of the ECHO/IP activity is that by integrating health, family planning and natural resource conservation activities in community-based projects, communities will be able to take advantage of synergies that make these interventions more effective and more sustainable than if they were pursued in a vertical, sector specific fashion. The purpose of this activity is to test this hypothesis to determine, through the design and implementation of activities that address these interactions in Madagascar, if such synergistic benefits occur when health and environment activities are integrated. (from Introduction)

Author Name(s): 
Kleinau, Eckhard; Rosensweig, Fred; Tain, Fran

Integration of Health, Population and Environment Programs in Madagascar: Midterm Progress Report

Publication type: 
Institutions, Research Programs and Projects
Research Project
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 
Major Region: 