Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepcion, Chile).

In this paper, the authors discussed the greater impact of urbanization on homogegenizing the biota in developing countries. In developing countries, high population densities, the push for economic growth and the low environmental standards may increase the intensity of urban impacts, displacing completely those native species not adapted to human disturbances.

Author Name(s): 
Pauchard, A.; Aguayo, M.; Pena, E.;Urrutia, R.

Pauchard, A., M. Aguayo, et al. 2006. Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepcion, Chile). Biological Conservation 127(3): 272-281.

Publication type: 
Journal Article
Publication year: 
Nat. Res. and Env. Stressors: 