Migrants Count. Five Steps Towards Better Migration Data

In this CGD report, the Commission on International Migration Data for Development Research and Policy presents their five recommendations to remedy the lack of good data on migration and its effects on development. The recommendations are politically and technically practical and would allow countries to greatly improve their migration data at low cost, and with existing mechanisms: 1. Ask basic census questions and make the data publicly available; 2. Compile and release existing administrative data; 3. Centralize Labor Force Surveys; 4. Provide access to microdata, not just tabulations; 5. Include migration modules on more existing household surveys. (from Report web site)

Author Name(s): 
Santo Tomas, P. A.; Summers, L. H.; Clemens, M.

Tomas, P. A. S., L. H. Summers & M. Clemens. 2009. Migrants Count. Five Steps Towards Better Migration Data. Report of the Commission on International Migration Data for Development Research and Policy. Center for Global Development. Washington D.C.

Publication type: 
Books and Reports
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